Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Scientific and Local Organising Committees, we invite you to submit an abstract for your presentation at the 19th European Congress of Psychology.

The theme “Transforming Psychological Science: the 2030 agenda” recognises the significance of psychological science’s contribution in a world facing intractable challenges. What role will psychological science play? Where is it most effective? How should psychologists collaborate with the broader society to reach our collective goals as humanity?

The SC will build a programme of panel discussions, symposia, workshops, and presentations to suit every interest.

The organisers encourage learning from peers, identifying potential partners, and strengthening links between researchers, academics, professionals, policy makers, and other contributors with a vested interest in making wellbeing central to people’s lives.

Accepted abstracts will be collated in a supplement of the European Journal of Psychology Open.

Please note: At a meeting of EFPA’s General Assembly in June 2022, member associations took the unanimous decision to expel the Russian Psychological Society from EFPA. As a result of this decision, we regret that we are unable to accept submissions or registrations for ECP 2025 from colleagues working for or affiliated with Russian institutions.

Submission guidelines and categories

All abstract submissions will be made in a structured format through the conference submission system. They should include a title (up to 20 words), be up to 300 words in length and cannot include references, tables or pictures. Please note that:

  • The maximum number of abstract submissions allowed as presenter is two.
  • There is no limit on the number of abstract submissions allowed for oral presentations as a non-presenting co-author or for posters as a co-author.
  • The language of submissions and presentation is English. All abstracts must be submitted in English. Language editing will not be provided.
  • The SC may reassign submitted presentations between formats at its discretion.

The presentation formats are the following:

  • Oral Presentation

Presentation time is 15 minutes per contribution, including 3 minutes for questions and discussion. Submitted abstracts should be no more than 300 words and must include:

  1. Title, name and affiliation of the presenter
  2. Research aims and objectives
  3. Theoretical background
  4. Research design/methodology/approach
  5. Results (obtained or expected)
  6. Limitations
  7. Implications for research, practice and/or policy (including originality and value)
  8. Keywords (3 maximum)
  • Symposia

Symposia are sessions in which multiple participants (between 3-4 contributors) deliver presentations on a shared topic or theme. Each symposium must include a chairperson, 3-4 presenters and a discussant (who may also be the chairperson). The chairperson/convenor introduces the topic of discussion at the beginning, which is followed by individual presentations and a concluding overview/key points by the discussant. Allocated time for a symposium is 60 minutes, which allows 10 minutes per contributor (chairperson, presenter, and discussant) and a minimum of 10 minutes for questions/discussion. A symposium must have participants from at least two different countries. The person submitting the symposium proposal is designated as the symposium chair and is responsible for uploading the symposium summary abstract and the individual presentations’ abstracts upon submission. Please note the following:

  • The complete symposium abstract is submitted by the chair/convenor of the symposium, and must include a symposium summary abstract, followed by each individual presentation abstract
  • Please ensure that all symposia participants have an ECP 2025 account before the symposium submission

Submitted symposia abstracts must have the following format:

  1. Symposium summary should be no more than 300 words and must include:
  2. Title, name and affiliation of the chairperson/convenor
  3. Title, name and affiliation of discussant (if different)
  4. Overview and importance of topic
  5. Brief summary of contributions
  6. Conclusions/implications
  7. Keywords (3 maximum)

Individual presentations’ abstracts should be no more than 300 words each, and must include:

  1. Title, name and affiliation of the presenter
  2. Research aims and objectives
  3. Theoretical background
  4. Research design/methodology/approach
  5. Results (obtained or expected)
  6. Limitations
  7. Implications for research, practice and/or policy (including contribution to field, originality and value)
  8. Keywords (3 maximum)
  • Spotlight Presentation (early career researchers or professionals)

Single presenter contribution of 5 minutes (4 minutes for presentation and 1 minute for questions and discussion), delivered by early-career researchers or professionals, with an aim to provide a forum to present work in a short concentrated oral format. Contributions can be research focused and/or practice-based presentations of work and be restricted to a maximum of 7 PPT slides. Submitted abstracts should be no more than 300 words and must include:

  1. Title, name and affiliation of the presenter
  2. Research aims and objectives
  3. Theoretical background
  4. Research design/methodology/approach
  5. Results (obtained or expected)
  6. Limitations
  7. Implications for research and/or practice (including originality and value)
  8. Keywords (3 maximum)
  • Roundtable Discussion

A roundtable discussion includes several chosen discussants/speakers (up to 6) that offer their perspectives on an important issue and is organised by a moderator. It is followed by discussion with the audience. It is expected that the Roundtable Chair will give an introductory summary (up to 3 minutes), followed by the perspectives of each contributor (up to 3 minutes). These are followed by a guided discussion of 30 minutes and 15 minutes of open discussion. Contributors should provide summaries of their perspectives on the issue that are sufficient to enable delegates to be actively involved in the structured discussion. Submitted abstracts of roundtable discussions should be no more than 300 words and must include:

  1. Title, name and affiliation of all discussants/speakers
  2. Importance of topic and relevance to conference theme
  3. Expertise of discussants/speakers in relation to discussion topic
  4. Implications for research, practice and/or policy (including contribution to field and value)
  5. Keywords (3 maximum)
  • Workshop

A workshop provides an opportunity for a group of participants to address a specific problem, achieve a particular goal and/or be trained in a particular methodology used in research or clinical practice, under the leadership of the workshop facilitator(s). Submitted workshop abstracts should be no more than 300 words and must include:

  1. Title, name and affiliation of workshop facilitator(s)
  2. Total time to be allocated (selection between 90, 120 or 180 minutes)
  3. Importance of topic and relevance to conference theme
  4. Objectives of workshop
  5. Activities planned during the workshop
  6. Target audience: professional, researcher, early career, trainee, student (choose all that apply)
  7. Components: conceptual analysis, experiential learning, didactic presentation, case discussion, original data, literature review, role play (choose all that apply)
  8. Keywords (3 maximum)
  • e-Poster (electronic format, accompanied by 3-minute video and Q&A section)

Posters will only be in electronic format and will be accompanied by a 3- minute video /summary of the research. Submitted electronic poster abstracts should be no more than 300 words and must include:

  1. Title, name and affiliation of the presenter
  2. Research aims and objectives
  3. Theoretical background
  4. Research design/methodology/approach
  5. Results (obtained or expected)
  6. Limitations
  7. Implications for research, practice and/or policy (including originality and value)
  8. Keywords (3 maximum)

Evaluation Criteria

All abstracts will be evaluated by two reviewers in a double-blind review process. Reviewers will rate the following elements in assessing submissions:

  • Clarity of formulation and conceptualization
  • Originality
  • Adequacy of methods
  • Appropriateness of interpretations
  • Fit with conference theme
  • Quality of writing
  • Contribution to the field (theoretical and/or practical)

Important dates:

  • Call for Abstracts opens: 1st July, 2024

  • Early review deadline: 30th October, 2024
  • Early review notification deadline: 30th November, 2024
  • Submissions deadline: 31st December, 2024
  • Abstract notification deadline: 14th March, 2025
  • Presenter registration deadline: 1st April, 2025


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